New Directions: Trans-Plex

Twenty-first century Asia is suffering through the complexity of globalization in the form of China’s fervent nationalism; neoliberalism’s global financial crisis; the paradox of individualistic democracy; oligarchical policies spurred on by economic problems; and the widening gap between social classes in an M-shaped society. At the same time, the fracturing of society, fragmentation of concepts and the pixelation and virtualization of perceptual experiences make it so we cannot find the source of this complex nor get a clear perspective on our collective psyche. As Slavoj Žižek reorients Freud's schema and turns Lacan's formula into a mise en abime, we realize that the existence of this complex makes it impossible for mere difference to serve as a sign of our era; as individuals we must operate our difference—dispositif and connection—and then looseness, or deformation of stereotype, can be generated by this operation.
The fragmentation of surface connections and the individual spirit leads to the internalization of dispositif, or on the other hand, internal dispositif becomes something that the individual can potentially manipulate.1 This potential not only expresses a kind of multitude of cultural conditions, but also provides a certain creative situation: blending that happens in evolution and evolution launched by blending. This is related to the contemporary properties expressed by Nicolas Bourriaud's ideas of cultural migration and economic movement, yet, at the same time, goes beyond Bourriaud's demonstration of actual experience. 2 Among these, the largest difference is that when the latter limits migration to the actual experience of physical geography, the former can extend to the cultural layer of virtual experience. As trans-plex prompts local-migration, it seems we can cast off cultural dominance's power of mimicry of the Other, and more deeply describe the actual existence of the conditions artists possess in many regions of Asia. No doubt, movies by David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Pedro Costa and Apichatpong Weerasethakul are closer to the real situation of contemporary Asian artists than Bourriaud's descriptions.
So, as international biennial exhibitions start to operate visual elements of each and every region, and brand them as commercial cultural identities, the joining of visual and auditory perceptions with ideologies creates an acknowledgment of cultural consumerism. Regarding the development of contemporary Asian artists, commodified difference seems to have found a shortcut into global markets, but also has made it difficult for individuals to introduce the complexity of their creative contexts, that is to say, understanding and communication across cultural differences is lacking. Moreover, the opening of this space for cultural critique and mediation cannot be confined to a unilateral expression of commodification, as the development of outward and wide-open spaces in creative states is also essential. Therefore, the cultural hybridity, evolution and internal dispositif found in trans-plex are specific properties of contemporary Asian art that have appeared in this century. These properties also express a dynamic and mutating space which demands a “champ a venir” that is capable of perceiving individual cultural experiences while problematizing them.
Works from Taiwan included in this exhibition do not necessarily present the artist's consideration or explication of these phenomena or issues, but rather express various trans-plex states and processes which exude the nature of the mixture and indiscernability of mutation. From the perspective of trans-plex, the problem of Asian art—the long-term difficulty of articulating its significance in art history and theory, and therefore its fixed position as an exotic state of exception—is not necessarily because of deviation in creative development or insufficient structure, but because of its isolation from virtual and actual symmetrical correspondences. Trans-plex pushes this to an extreme of asymmetrical relations, becoming radical virtualization and uncanny creation that defies and distrusts actual experiences. This mutable “otakusm” is different from the automatism commonly seen in contemporary art which smoothly moves through the homogeneous construct of artwork and theory.
All of these works are trans-plex: Wu Si-chin representing the venue with the improper proportions between a real-life yardstick and its symbolic target; Chen Jing-yuan composing visual theater with fragments of information; Wu Chi-yu microscopically enlarging a real “polemic place” into a virtual dangerous scene; Liu Yu deconstructing and reassembling the various communicative modes of the space, language and visual elements touched upon in life; and Ruan Yung-han using everyday bodies to deduce heroic images and movements. They all are also related to the following in different ways: gaps between the imagination provided by consumption and everyday bodies; the fracturing and reorganization of language, bodies and images in space; and the mixing of multiple cultural elements to create combinations and avoiding expectations or any single identification with the tension between intrinsically heterogeneous elements. These mutations, which string together—as well as move among—bodies, spaces and features, produce the presence of a new organism, which is parallel to a vision tranformed by the delayed, layered reflections and seams created by unstable or even failed transmissions.
策展人 Curators:
黃建宏 Huang Chien-Hung、後藤繁雄
展覽時間 Date:
2011/03/11 - 2011/04/24
展覽地點 Venue:
關渡美術館 Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts
參展藝術家 Artists:
吳思嶔 Wu Sih-Chin
劉玗 Liu Yu
吳其育 Wu Chi-Yu
紀紐約 New-York Park
黃彥穎 Huang Yen-Ying
陳敬元 Chen Ching-Yuan
張立人 Chang Li-Ren
張騰遠 Chang Teng-Yuan
張明曜 Chang Ming-Yao
梶岡俊幸 Toshiyuki Kajioka
寒川裕人 Eugene Kangawa
小宮太郎 Taro Komiya
小牟田悠介 Yusuke Komuta
神馬啓佑 Keisuke Jimba
抜水摩耶 Maya Nukumizu
山本努 Tsutomu Yamamoto
橋本優香子 Yukako Hashimoto
諫山元貴 Genki Isayama